By "Ray W" (name and address supplied), Raynes Park

I feel the need to reply to the comments made by Mr Mitchell.

I too am a long standing resident of the Apostles, but live in one of the roads which is proposed to enter the CPZ.

Whilst I agree that the parking problem is worse in the evening, unlike Mr Mitchell I can often not park in my own road during the daytime and would welcome the extension of the CPZ.

Having seen the night time improvement in the roads already within the CPZ have had (not perfect, but greatly improved) I welcome the CPZ and commend both the Apostles Residents Association and the local councillors for getting us to the Statutory Consultation stage, and hope that the council make the correct decision and extend the CPZ to cover the proposed roads.

This will not solve the problem, but should greatly reduce it.

I would also support Mr Mitchell's proposal to make the CPZ include the evening, or even 24 hour on weekdays.

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