A drug user left his victim in a wheelchair for life after he beat him viciously.

After smoking heroin, Lewis Patey, 28, of no fixed address, became convinced David Whibley, 43, had robbed his grandmother.

Patey then launched a violent attack on Mr Whibley at his Hardwicke Road home, on September 11, 2010.

As a result of the beating Mr Whibley is now unable to walk, has difficulty communicating, and needs help with daily tasks, such as feeding himself.

At Kingston Crown Court on Friday, November 11, Patey, who pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent, was sentenced to a minimum of four years and 257 days in prison.

Guy Ladenburg, prosecuting, said: “[Whibley sustained]injuries to the brain and is now severely disabled, he is in a wheelchair and will never be able to walk again.

“He had known Patey because he used to sell him crack.”

Mr Whibley was hit round the head several times and kicked in the arm and head when he fell to the floor.

Judge Georgina Kent said the appropriate prison sentence would be 14 years, but time was deducted for an early guilty plea and time already spent in custody, which reduced the sentence to almost 10 years.

Patey was told he would be restricted from applying for parole before he served nearly five years in jail.

Judge Kent said: “You are likely to recommit and it is my opinion that you are dangerous and that there is a significant risk of serious harm to the public.”

She said the assault was particularly bad as it had resulted in serious and devastating permanent disability to the victim, because the offence was committed while under the influence of drugs and because Patey had a string of previous convictions for violence.

He has previously been convicted of other violent offences, including assaulting a man at the Cricketers pub, in Hawks Road, Kingston, in 2009.