Safer Neighbourhoods officers have reduced the likelihood of vehicles being broken into following a crime prevention initiative.

Officers visited Poplar Road, Stonecot, and Sutton Common Road, Sutton North and identified vehicles with property on display, such as bags, lose coins and sat nav holders, which could make vehicles a target for opportunist thieves.

The officers spoke to the owners and gave out crime prevention advice leaflets.

Four weeks later, the officers returned to the roads to carry out the same checks and found in Sutton Common Road there was an 80 per cent reduction in vulnerable vehicles and in Poplar Road a 50 per cent reduction.

Sergeant Jessica Timms, of Stonecot Safer Neighbourhoods Teams, said the initiative underlines the importance of drivers removing all property from inside their vehicles.

Sergeant Timms commented: “If a thief sees a bag on the back seat, they may be tempted to break into the car. However, if the car is empty of property they are likely to leave it alone. With the darker nights upon us, we urge car owners to take responsibility and keep their vehicles secure.”

Further similar operations are planned throughout the borough.