A student with his own business has made £40,000, which he plans to use to fund his university studies.

Fillip Mazurkiewicz, 18, a second year business student at Saint Francis Xavier College in Malwood Road, Clapham, set up website cdkeysdiscount selling online games.

The entrepreneur set up company 707 Limited two years ago, whilst still managing to gain good grades in his business studies classes.

Kate Frayling, business studies tutor at the college said: "Filip has been doing very well in my starting your own business unit.

"He is an excellent student who always meets his deadlines and has good attendance, so to run a successful business on top of this I feel is a real achievement."

Mr Mazurkiewicz moved to the UK from Poland six years ago and has also learned to speak English in that time.

He has agreed to share his experiences with his classmates and give a talk on how to run your own business.

The future Alan Sugar said it was the business studies course which gave him the confidence to start and run the website.