It will be easier for health workers to access vital information in emergencies thanks to a new record system.

NHS Surrey is rolling out the records, which include information about patients' medicines, allergies and bad reactions, for the county’s 1.2m residents. The system is being piloted at five practices in north-west Surrey and will be introduced across the rest of the county in the next year. People registered with Surrey GPs were informed of the plan in March 2010 and could choose to opt out of the scheme.

NHS Surrey’s project manager Colin Lee said: “We have been working closely with GPs and practice teams to get everything ready behind the scenes so when we come to upload records, the process is a smooth one.”

“Having an emergency health record will help ensure the right people have the right information at the right time.”

The records will be used if a person is taken ill in another part of the country and health workers need details of health issues.

At the moment this can be difficult if the person is badly injured or unconscious.

For information call the NHS Care Records Service Information Line on 0300 1233020 or visit