An serial armed robber who concealed his identity with a clown mask has been jailed for 11 years.

Michael Francis-Dwyer, 24, of no fixed abode, robbed five pubs and a convenience store over a six week period.

The final robbery took place in The Merchant Pub, Battersea Rise, at just before midnight on May 3.

Inner London Crown Court heard that Francis-Dwyer and a group of men would threaten staff with a gun and demand they lay money down on the floor, before forcing them to open the safe and handover cash.

Up to four men would usually enter after closing time whilst staff were cashing up takings and tidying.

They would take the personal property of the workers, including bankcards and mobile phones before fleeing the scene.

Francis-Dwyer was arrested on June 24 following a routine stop and search in Brixton, where police found him to be in possession of a firearm similar to the one used in the robbery offences.

Detective Inspector Angela Phillips from the Barnes Flying Squad said: "The sentence today shows that the Flying Squad is committed to pursuing the perpetrators of this type of crime and putting them through the court system."

"Francis-Dwyer gave no regard for the employees of the premises he robbed when he and his accomplices threatened them with a gun and forced them to give up their personal property and cash from the businesses.

"I am pleased he is now paying the price for his actions."

Pubs in Chelsea, South Kensington, Chiswick and a convenience store in Fulham were also robbed.

Anyone with information regarding these robberies is asked to call police on 020 8247 3940 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.