Campaigners have launched a petition to save the borough's park police, following council plans to axe the service.

Wandsworth Council want to replace the existing 16 parks police service with 12 Metropolitan police officers to patrol parks and open spaces.

They will be backed by a team of five existing park police officers, whilst the remaining parks police will be used for public events.

But park users in the borough are concerned getting rid of the service will result in more crime.

Members of the Friends of Battersea Park are asking local people to sign an e-petiton, ahead of a council meeting which will make the final decision in December.

Frances Radcliffe, chair of the Friends of Battersea Park said in a letter to the council: "Battersea Park, through its size, complexity and the range of events held in the Park, is in a league of its own.

"It deserves to keep its experienced and effective police force."

The council wants to use the Mayor of London's 'buy one get one free scheme' to pay the wages of half of the new officers, making a saving of £400,000 a year.

Opposition councillors voiced fears at an Environment, Culture and Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held last week that the offer will only be temporary.

Labour councillor Leonie Cooper at the meeting said: "We should tell Boris to bog off. We haven't explore all options for ourselves."

A spokesperson for the council said they will be looking to negotiate and extend the offer beyond the initial three years.

The proposals will be discussed at a full council meeting on December 7.

To sign the petition visit