Young men need no longer be caught short on a night out in Wimbledon if plans to build pop-up loos in the town centre are approved.

As part of the Destination Wimbledon, the Merton Council-led scheme to deliver improvements to the town centre, plans are afoot to install urinals which emerge from underground in the evening and retract in the morning.

Subject to a consultation, the pop-up loos will be built outside Tesco in the Broadway after complaints were made about late-night revellers relieving themselves in street corners.

Merton Council’s cabinet member for regeneration, Councillor Andrew Judge, said such urinals had proven successful in other parts of London.

He said: “Wimbledon has a thriving night-time economy, but this also means there is a need for additional public toilet facilities at very specific times. 

“We are talking with the police and businesses so we can consider their thoughts and concerns surrounding this issue.”

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