Young people are being asked how to tackle a lack of activities a new scheme piloted by a residents’ association.

On Saturday, November 12, a group of 11-16-year-olds visited the Colliers Wood Youth Project at Colliers Wood Community Centre to have their say on what facilities should be provided in their area.

The day also provided entertainment in the form of street dancing, African drumming, a climbing wall, table tennis and pool throughout the day.

Keith Spears, chairman of the residents’ association, said the exercise would be the first phase in a long-term project to engage young people in decisions about their welfare.

Mr Spears said:“There’s not a lot for young people to do in Colliers Wood. We wanted to ask them what they wanted to do so we can empower them to help set up their own youth projects in the future.”

What facilities would you recommend for young people in Colliers Wood? Leave a comment below or contact Omar by calling 020 8722 6335; tweeting @OmarOakes or emailing: