A 12-year-old child from Banbury has been awarded a prize in an art competition run by a children’s charity.

Olivia Sarah Vickery drawing of her play specialist was highly commended in Action for Sick Children’s competition to mark the charity’s 50th anniversary this year.

Olivia, an inpatient at Great Ormond Street Hospital, receives weekly four hour infusions for her rare inherited disease - Morquio Syndrome - where a missing enzyme causes progressive damage to the skeletal system.

Olivia’s systems were only noticed when she was eight years old when a fall meant she had to have an x-ray.

Olivia's brother Luke was just three years old when he was diagnosed. The disease is progressive and at present there is no cure.

Olivia's mum, Ita Vickery said: "I’m not sure we would still be going [for the infusions] if it wasn’t for the lovely staff there but for now I feel Olivia must persist with the trial in order to give other families hope. It's great that her artwork has won a prize, we are really proud of her."