A nurse has been sacked for repeatedly visiting "wholly inappropriate" pornographic websites inbetween treating patients.

Mark Peter Adams, a nurse at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, searched for pornography on a hospital computer over a three-week period in December 2008.

The nurse accessed a porn actor's website and typed x-rated terms into Google using a computer which was visible to patients.

He accessed sites every hour from 11.30am to 3pm while on duty at the minor injuries unit in the hospital.

Mr Adams was sacked on Tuesday (November 15) for breaching the Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) code of conduct.

An NMC report said: "While at work, the registrant conducted computer searches for and accessed sites displaying material of pornographic nature.

"The computer screen was opposite the door to the treatment room and would have been visible to anybody entering the room.

"Although it is not alleged that the registrant viewed such material whilst patients were present, such conduct by a registered nurse is wholly inappropriate."

Mr Adams, who has worked as a nurse for 18 years, told a panel he was suffering from personal problems at the time and has received counselling.