Screaming teenagers and mass hysteria greeted one of the stars from comedy show Outnumbered when he arrived in Walton for the Christmas light switch on.

The spectacular Festival of Light kicked off Christmas for the town, as is now tradition, on Saturday, November 19.

Beautifully-crafted lanterns created by artist Donagh Curwen moved through the town, with local primary schools carrying smaller lights alongside the supersized festive creations.

But, the star attraction was undoubtedly Walton resident Tyger Honey-Drew, known for playing Jake in Outnumbered.

He had excited fans screaming during the countdown and took time to talk to girls lucky enough to grab a front row spot for the action.

Sarah-Jane Shellard of Walton Business Group said: “I am delighted with the event, it really showed off our town, which was packed with a great atmosphere to start the festive season. “The local businesses who took stalls have already reported a good day as have some of the High Street businesses. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it such a success.” The High Street closed especially for the event and promotions were offered in stores until 8pm.

Choirs and bands from schools such as Rydens, Cleves, Danesfield Manor and Westward School provided a background of musical entertainment for visitors to the town.

Meanwhile those looking to line their stomach were treated to mulled wine and festive tasters at the Noble Vine, or roasted chestnuts and candy floss from the street stalls.

Father Christmas, courtesy of Walton Rotary and the mayor of Elmbridge were both on hand to enjoy the festive magic.