Sutton Council is the best borough in London at cutting its carbon emissions, according to a new league table published by the Environment Agency.

More than 2,000 organisations, including major supermarkets, restaurants and hospitals, were rated on their efforts to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.

Sutton was placed top because of its work cutting power consumption, introducing energy efficient lighting and hand dryers and installing smart meters in some of its buildings.

Councillor Colin Hall, Sutton’s executive member for environment and climate change, said: “We’re delighted to be top the league. These green measures are vital because they not only save the planet; they also save taxpayers’ money.

“Energy use in the council has fallen by 15 per cent since 2002 saving £164,000 a year, while our water consumption has also dropped - falling by 29 per cent from 2001 levels, saving £63,000 a year.”

The scheme is part of the Government’s climate change policy that has set a UK target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent of 1990 levels by 2050.