Local Croydon students Orlando Taylor and Reiss McCarthy celebrated their success at the weekend by becoming worthy winners at the 3rd annual BYA Awards.

The event took place at Jury’s Inn Hotel on Saturday 19th November and was attended by over 150 people who had travelled from various parts of the UK.

Out of 28 nominees Orlando and Reiss received the Education Award and Choices Award respectively.

Special guest Maurice Reeves of Reeves Corner was in attendance as part of a BBC documentary and he presented the Sports Award to Manchester winner Makissa Gilkes. Mr Reeves said he was “delighted to be around such wonderful people” and shared his story of his love for Cricket. He also recognised that attending the awards further supported the fact that the uprisings of August were not the true face of Croydon’s youth and that the event was an encouraging feature of hope for young people in and around Croydon.

Another local resident Princess Roberts walked away with the Mother of the Year Award, giving an emotional testimonial of her testing times with her daughter and dedicating her award to her young grand-daughter.

Hosted by ‘Harry’s Law’ actor Aml Ameen’s younger brother and star in his own right Mikel Ameen, the night was entertaining, energetic and inspirational as young people were recognised for their hard work within the community, their talents and personal accomplishments which most often go unnoticed. Their award further allows them to be ambassadors of their category for the next 12 months, acting as peer mentors to many other young people who are also on the perimeters of change and success.

BYA Director Kay Oldroyd said after the ceremony “This has been a significant event for the borough of Croydon. After we experienced a lot of destruction in the August riots it was important to see the other side of youth and all the good things that they do. Tonight has proved that and it’s been magnificent to see all these happy and proud young people and their families. Our motto is ‘There is a success story within everyone’ and we are looking forward to next year’s event already”

Based on information supplied by Kay Oldroyd.