Business owners have accused a government body of "killing Christmas" following its decision to start redevelopment work on a high street just weeks before the festive season.

Traders are feeling let down after Transport for London (TfL) gave permission for a 17-week gas works project along Streatham High Road.

Southbound sections of the road- between the junctions with Leigham Court Road and Pendennis Road- will be closed while the bus lane is dug up.

Since building work started on Monday, some shops have been hidden by large mesh sheets erected by Southern Gas Networks (SGN), which is carrying out the renovation.

Alf Davis, owner of Alf Electronics Limited, said: "It is the worst thing they could have done- it is going to kill business for Christmas.

"It’s an absolute joke. We were told it was going to be done and that was that. I do not know why they waited so long to do it now when they had the whole summer.”

Gary Almond, manager at Fuel Zone, said he had seen a 90 per cent drop in customers on Monday alone.

He said: "It just puts people off- it is an eyesore for a start. People just see it and avoid the area."

Stephen Viera, manager at the A to Z Furniture shop, added: "We are really angry about it. It is affecting business- there is nowhere for customers to park."

Streatham Hill councillor Ashley Lumsden has called on SGN to delay the works until January.

But a SGN spokeswoman, said: "We have been working closely with Lambeth Council, TfL and the emergency services to plan this work and keep disruption to a minimum.

"We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would urge the public to bear with us while we upgrade the gas mains service for the better."

A spokesman for TfL said SGN would be working seven days a week to get the renovation finished by March.