Work has begun to renovate a skateboarding park in Clapham following talks with skate groups.

The park, which will cost about £160,000 to build, will replace the existing skate slopes in Clapham Common with more durable concrete.

More than 100 skaters posted ideas for the development on Facebook, as part of a public consultation with Lambeth Council.

Councillor Florence Nosegbe, cabinet member for culture and sport, said the park, which is being built by Freestyle Skate Parks, marked a "major investment in facilities for young people" in the borough.

A spokesman for the council said the project had been funded from a range of external sources, including £75,000 from the London Marathon Charitable Trust.

Councillor Nosegbe said: "We’ve worked closely with skate park users and the Friends of Clapham Common throughout to make sure the design and specification of the park are what users themselves want, and I can’t wait to see the new facilities completed and being used for competitions and events.

"The new skatepark is going to be fantastic and this is a major investment in facilities for young people in Lambeth."