Rape cases have soared by almost 40 per cent compared with this time last year.

The results come after statistics released to Croydon Council show serious violent crimes were up more than 15 per cent before the August riots.

Figures discussed at a Croydon Cabinet meeting on November 14, taken from April through to mid-June, showed serious violence was up 15.2 per cent compared with the period in 2010.

Coun Stuart Collins said: “It is of concern we have seen an increase of 15.2 per cent. With the proposed reduction in police numbers this is of even greater concern.

“In terms of crime, one of the problems is the complete lack of sport development and the diversion factor in improving young people away from being involved in crime.”

Coun Simon Hoar, cabinet member for safety, agreed it was a concern but said projects were inplace to encourage young people into sport.

He said: “The metropolitan police are launching Operation Connect tackling gangs in 14 boroughs including Croydon and I understand part of this is engaging with young people at risk of getting involved in gangs to take up sport."

Met Police figures for the period from April to the end of October in Croydon show total crime is up only 1.5 per cent, but cases of rape are up almost 40 per cent, with 38 more reported, and robbery and burglary are both up 16 per cent, with 143 more cases of robbery and 373 more burglaries.

Gun crime, racist and religious offences and cases of homophobic crime were all down.

A spokesman for Croydon police said: “Looking at figures gives a useful indication of current trends, but given that we are just over half way through the financial year, they still need to be viewed with a certain amount of caution.

"We are working hard to reduce violent crime and still hope to maintain the reductions in violent crime that we saw last year by the end of this year.

“We are targeting the people that commit violent crime and the locations that violent crime is happening.

“We are also reviewing the way we police the Town Centre and around London Road particularly on weekend evenings to try and reduce the number of violent crimes in and around these areas."