A former policeman whose dedication to scouting has taken him all over the country has been recognised for his hard work.

George Burt, from Surbiton, said he was delighted after Chief Scout Bear Grylls honoured him with a merit award earlier this month.

The award is designed for leaders who have completed a special service or for long service within the scouting movement.

Mr Burt became a boy scout in 1943 but was forced to give up the troop after he was evacuated when a German doodle bug bomb hit the family home in Catford.

But the former met police officer’s interest in the movement was revived 30 years later when he took over the running of a near-defunct cub scout pack near the home he shared with his wife Beryl on Elrga Avenue, Surbiton.

The 79-year-old served as Akela, or leader, for the troop for 13 years turning the Berrylands 1st Wolfpack into a thriving unit.

Mr Burt, known affectionately by his charges as 'Old Beaver', said: "A friend of ours said they needed some help in Berrylands, so my wife said 'why don't you see what it's like', 13 years later I was still there."

During George’s time as scout leader at Berrylands the troop won the Kingston Swimming Gala and twice did the league and cup double in the Kingston cub’s football competition.

Mr Burt says he has a lot of fond memories of his time with the Surbiton troop but his favourite was on a camping trip to Walton Firs in Cobham.

He said: “I was walking behind these little beavers on a scout weekend, who had no idea I was there, when I heard one of them say 'We have the best Akela' in the world. It made my day.”

Mr Burt and his wife moved to Devon in the late 80’s, were he started a scout group, but returned south to Woking, Surrey, when his first grandson Brendan was born.

His daughter Elisabeth had followed her dad into the scout movement and it did not take long for the “Old Beaver” to get involved with the troop.

Mr Burt said: "We moved back to Surrey where we live now because the grandchildren started arriving, and my daughter set up the beaver group 10 years ago.

"I said I'd give her a hand and it went on from there."