A final appeal is going out by campaigners desperate to prevent the opening of an MOT car garage at the end of a residential cul-de-sac.

Residents in Edward Road, Station Approach and Victoria Road, in Coulsdon are collecting signatures from high street businesses to present to a government planning inspector ahead of a hearing next year.

Alice Chandler, 49, lives next door to the proposed site, a former delivery centre for medical supplies.

She said: “Whatever the decision there is no appeal so this is our final chance it is now or never. This garage will create noise, traffic problems and is inappropriate. There are a lot of young children who play in the street. We have at least five people on Edward Road who need wheelchair access vehicles - it is just not suitable.”

A petition against the proposal, which was sent to the planning inspectorate by Croydon Council officers on October 31 after the applicants failed to submit a noise assessment, has collected more than 100 signatures.

Paul Norris and his son Alexander are putting forward the proposal and say residents would oppose any development on the site.

Paul Norris said: “I don’t know what their problem is. I think what has annoyed them is we have stopped them using the site as a short-cut to the shops. It has been all but empty for the past three years and I am offering to bring in a business which could create 14 jobs.”

He said the garage would be a diagnostics service and not a body shop so noise would be minimal.

Campaigners contest Mr Norris’ arguments the site has been unused.

The closing date for submissions to the appeal is December 12.

A date for the hearing has yet to be set.