An Epsom schoolboy has swum almost 7km in a sponsored swim to raise money for a swing for wheelchair-bound children.

Lloyd Smith's school, Cheam Park Farm Juniors, had already raised more than £2,000 when the 11-year-old, from Marlow Drive, North Cheam, came up with the idea of the sponsored swim.

The youngster's mum, Rachel Smith, said: “We are so proud of Lloyd. His friends have all been very supportive with some of them sponsoring their pocket money.

“Children get a bad press for so many things and I'm glad that Lloyd has done this to show people the bad press is not always deserved.”

"He felt he was very lucky to be able to train four times a week and he wanted to help other children who weren't so lucky.”

Her son, who is a member of Epsom District Swimming Pool, completed the 209 length swim on November 15 while other swimmers were given lessons.

A roundabout for wheelchair users was completed in 2010 in Cheam Park after a resident put forward the idea at a Sutton South, Cheam and Belmont local committee meeting.

The council need £11,000 for the swing and installation - Lloyd has raised £500 so far.

To make a donation Cheam Park Farm Junior School can be contacted on 020 8644 8969.