Police arrested five people in raids across Sutton 8am this morning.

As part of Operation Hawk, police rounded on an address on the Shanklin Estate near Brighton Road, Sutton, suspected of containing heroin.

By 10am the raids were in full swing and six search warrants had been carried out, resulting in the arrests of a 42-year-old woman and four men.

Police seized a quantity of drugs, drugs paraphernalia and shotgun ammunition.

The Metropolitan Police-wide operation began today to crack down on neighbourhood criminals.

As part of new Met Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe's 'total war' on crime, more than 4,000 officers were deployed across all London Boroughs.

Inspector Andy Brittain, from Operation Hawk, said: "Our actions today are all about local officers, tackling local crimes, based on information received from local communities.

"We urge local people to get in touch if they see suspicious behaviour or have information about crime of anti-social behaviour in their area.

"We are fortunate that Sutton is a low crime borough and these operations underline our determination to keep Sutton one of the safest boroughs in London."

If you have information which could help police contact Sutton Police station on 101.