Historic Beddington Bridges threatened with demolition might be saved.

Network Rail planned to demolish two bridges, Irrigation Bridge and Hundred Acre Bridge which cross the railway line north of Hackbridge, to avoid the future costs of maintaining them.

However, a campaign was launched to save them and it was argued that Irrigation Bridge is a much used thoroughfare and Hundred Acre Bridge could provide a key access route to the Wandle Valley Regional Park when it is established.

Now Sutton Council’s Executive has agreed in principle to take over the bridges in a bid to stop residents in Hackbridge being cut off from access to the east of the railway line.

Whilst Network Rail halts its demolition, the Council now plans to investigate the legal, financial and health and safety liabilities before making a final decision.

Councillor John Drage, executive member for finance and efficiency and a Wandle Valley ward member, said: “We recognise that these bridges are important to local people and are looking into how practical it is for us to help secure their future by taking over responsibility for them.

“Obviously because of the very tight financial constraints we’re facing, we have to fully consider the potential long-term costs before we can make a final commitment but we’re hopeful something can be done to stop residents being cut off from the countryside.”

Irrigation Bridge dates back to 1856 making it one of the oldest footbridges in the area.