A teen was taken to hospital after being repeatedly punched and then robbed.

The 17-year-old was walking home on Tuesday, November 22, at 4.30pm when four men approached him in an alley way near Melton Fields in West Ewell.

One of the men ordered him to get on the floor and the group began punching him.

They then stole the victim’s rucksack which contained a Samsung mobile phone and a small amount of money.

One of his attackers was described as mixed-race and the other three men were white.

They were all in their late teens, of average build, and were wearing dark coloured hooded tops and had their faces covered.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Kevin Booth said: “House-to-house enquiries have been carried out and we have spoken with a number of people who were in the area at the time but I am appealing to anyone who was in the Melton Fields area on Tuesday afternoon to think back.

“With your help we can bring those responsible for this robbery to justice and restore the young victim’s confidence and peace of mind.”

The victim was taken to St Helier Hospital but was not seriously injured.

Anyone with information should call Surrey Police on 101, quoting reference number EP/11/5150.