A memorial tree dedicated to a popular former councillor has been destroyed in a 'sickening' and 'disgraceful' act of vandalism.

The 10ft semi-mature oak tree was planted in 2009 at the Hogsmill River in memory of former Residents Association Councillor Derek Phillips who died of cancer at the age of 43.

Brian Angus, Chairman of Ewell Village Residents Association, first discovered the vandalised memorial on Monday, November 22.

He said: “This is the second time this tree has been vandalised.

“A little while ago they broke and snapped two of the lower branches and had rocked the tree so that the root was out of the soil.

This time it has been completely destroyed and it’s been snapped off right down to ground.”

A spokesperson for Epsom and Ewell Council said: “Everyone here at Epsom and Ewell Borough Council is appalled.

“Vandalism is bad enough, but when it is in memory of someone who died doing good for society, it is a disgrace.”

“Our Rangers are visiting the site today to clear up the damage.”

Jean Steer, Residents Association Councillor for West Ewell said: “I’m a little bit concerned that vandalism down on the Hogsmill seems to be on the increase.

I want the police to do a little bit more patrolling because of the vandalism.

“We also had the gates at the end of Green Lanes stolen not so long ago.

“I feel very sad that people today have no respect at all.

“It’s just mindless vandalism.

“I feel very sad, extremely annoyed and sickened by it.

“He was a wonderful councillor.”

Rangers at Epsom and Ewell Council have promised to replace the tree as soon as possible.