The chief executive of Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals has admitted Epsom Hospital is to be "acquired" sparking concerns of a takeover rather than equal partnership.

Initial reports about a deal between the two hospitals led many people to believe that a merger was on the cards not an acquistion.

But in a statement released last week confirming the bid, Andrew Liles said: “The Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals Trust Board approved our detailed plans to acquire Epsom Hospital and create a new, larger NHS Foundation Trust which we believe would provide a strong long-term future for local health services.”

When questioned Mr Liles quickly issued a clarification stating that if their bid was successful it would "technically" be an acquisition.

His statement read: “Because Ashford and St Peter’s is already a Foundation Trust, if we are successful in our plans to partner Epsom Hospital technically speaking this would be an acquisition and I think it’s important to make that clear.

“That said, the detailed plans we have drawn up are focused on creating a new organisation with three successful hospitals - Epsom, Ashford and St Peter’s - each playing an important part in delivering high quality healthcare to local residents.

“And, although this would be an acquisition in legal terms, our approach to creating the new organisation would very much be on a partnership basis.”

The dictionary definition of the word merge is to "combine or be combined to form a single entity, to join forces, unify", whereas the definition of acquire is "to come to possess, to buy, to purchase".

Residents Association Councillor for Town Ward, Neil Dallen, said: “I hope it was a poor choice of words and doesn’t signify an intention to take over and close or downgrade to an extent where it hasn’t got what we want.

“A partnership is great but an acquisition feels more like a takeover and down grading and stripping of assets."

Bess Harding, hospital campaigner and founder to the Epsom Medical Equipment Fund said: “I’m surprised they are calling it an acquisition and not a merger, as we were told it was a merger.”

MP for Epsom and Ewell, Chris Grayling, said: “Perhaps the choice of words could have been better but the reality of what really matters is the hospital and the services it provides and their ambition for Epsom."

It is understood that if the bid is successful, then it will be required to run all of the services currently provided there for at least a year.

Antony Tiernan, Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs, said: “Epsom Hospital has an amazing history and commands unwavering support amongst patients, local people and staff.

“We realise that this is an uncertain time, and that people may fear the worst, but it’s important to remember that joining with a new partner could have fantastic benefits for the future of the site. "

Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
· Founded, in its present form, in 1998 following a merger.
· 3,500 staff
· 450 beds
· £220m
· 90,072 A+E patients

Epsom Hospital
· Founded in 1890
· 239 beds
· £322 million (Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust)
· 54,000 A&E patients