A pervert who peered over cubicles in a swimming pool changing room has seen his sentence halved, but lost a bid to overturn a ban on swimming in just one pair of trunks.

Registered sex offender Paul Spelman was jailed for three years for twice breaking a sexual offences order at the Kingfisher leisure centre in Fairfield Road, Kingston, last November.

The original order was imposed following a string of convictions involving children stretching back to 1987.

During his trial, Spelman pleaded guilty to voyeurism and possession of a class C drug, but not guilty to two breaches of a sexual offences order.

But the jury at Kingston Crown Court found him guilty of both breaches in March 7.

Judge Fergus Mitchell also told him to wear two pairs of trunks when swimming, as he imposed a new sexual offences prevention order on Spelman on April 13.

He said: “He is very determined in his desire and lust to be near children and expose himself, and be close to them where they are naked or vulnerable.”

The 42-year-old, of Eversley Crescent, Isleworth, appealed against his convictions and the terms of the order at the Court of Appeal on Friday, November 18.

The three-man panel quashed one conviction from November 14, when the prosecution offered no evidence, and reduced his sentence to 18 months.

But they upheld the other, from four days earlier, when a mum saw him sit with his hand down his trousers near children using rides near the cafe, and then went to the public changing area.

She later saw him dressed in swimming trunks and repeatedly entering different changing areas, and CCTV footage showed him peering over the top of different cubicles.

However, the judges turned down Spelman’s bid to overturn the ban on him swimming in just one pair of trunks.

• Police have refused to issue a photograph of jailed pervert Paul Spelman, despite a judge imposing strict conditions on his post-release life to prevent him reoffending.

• The sexual offences prevention order forbids him from being seen in public in his underwear or entering changing rooms.

• It also bans him from being alone in vehicles not directly traceable to him, following a 2009 incident when he drove alongside a coach of children on the M25, stripped off while at the wheel and started masturbating in front of them.

• Police often publicise images of such offenders so the public can act as an additional pair of eyes and ears to make sure they do not breach these terms.

• However, Kingston police said they withheld his photo to protect his family.