Surrey Trading Standards have warned people not to buy a poisonous vodka on sale across the UK.

Drop Vodka is an illegal drink containing propan-2-ol, commonly found in industrial solvents and methanol.

In high doses, methanol can cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and dizziness, blurred vision leading to blindness and breathing difficulties.

Bottles of the illegal drink have already been removed from off-licences, corner shops and petrol stations across the UK where it has been on sale at rock-bottom prices, including Aldershot.

Surrey Trading Standards have issued a warning to businesses to remove ‘Drop Vodka’ from sale.

Steve Playle, from Surrey County Council Trading Standards, said: “Don’t buy Drop Vodka.

“It contains potentially dangerous chemicals that could be harmful to your health.

“If you already have the drink at home, pour it away or throw it in the bin, but please don’t drink it.

“If you do you’ll be playing Russian roulette with your health.

“Drop Vodka doesn’t actually contain enough alcohol to be legally called vodka.

“It’s not registered which means it hasn’t been through the rigorous testing process which all food and drink must go through before they can be sold.

“It’s likely criminal gangs are selling this stuff and are trying to make a profit at the expense of people’s health.”

Methanol is normally found in vodka at very low levels.

To report the sale of Drop Vodka, or fake items call Consumer Direct on 01622 626520.