More than 270 people were arrested across London yesterday as part of a major neighbourhood crime crackdown.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe launched Operation Hawk to crack down on neighbourhood crime.

According to figures, up to 4,000 Safer Neighbourhoods officers and PCSOs carried out 580 operations, executed 264 warrants, seized 39 weapons and closed down 14 drugs houses across the capital's 32 boroughs.

The operation began with dawn raids in London, including in Peckham where the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson joined the Commissioner and officers in executing a drugs warrant.

Officers responded directly to community intelligence to target drug dealers, perpetrators of anti-social behaviour and other criminals who impact on communities.

Londoners were provided with live updates throughout the day thought the Metropolitan Police Twitter feed.

Commissioner Hogan-Howe said: "Operation Hawk is another way to tackle criminals decisively and directly.

"It's all about responding to local concerns and acting on them to crack down on crime rapidly and effectively.

"The idea is we take our intelligence to a magistrate ask for a warrant and 'put the doors in' as quickly as possible right across London.

"Operation Hawk demonstrates Total Policing at its best, working directly with the people we are here to protect."

Mayor of London Boris Johnson, said: "Criminals beware we're stepping up a gear to crack down on the drug dealer, burglars and thieves that make our lives a misery.

"Operation Hawk means our hard-working Safer Neighbourhoods teams will be keeping an even closer eye on crime hot spots."