The Lego legends responsible for Christmas tree at St Pancras Station and James May’s Lego house are helping a Weybridge scout group save their hall.

Bright Bricks, based in Surrey, is donating thousands of pieces to the 1st Weybridge (Brooklands Own) Scouts to help their Save Our HQ campaign.

The group is building a scale model of its hall as part of the appeal to raise funds towards the renovation of its headquarters on Springfield Lane.

People can buy a brick for £1 and see it become part of the model.

Fundraising coordinator Debbie Conibere said: “I think it’s really going to capture the imagination of people who just for one pound can buy a brick and see the house be built.”

Organisers plan to number the bricks people buy and photograph every one being individually added to the model.

Mrs Conibere said they may use stop animation to string the photos together and record the process from start to finish.

Cub dad Ben Cheesman will build the model designed by Bright Brick experts.

Bright Bricks’ latest project at St Pancras station is a record-breaking 12.2m tall Christmas tree, painstakingly-built of 600,000 bricks.

Company director Duncan Titmarsh said: “I think it’s great that they are trying to do something to raise funds and be proactive.”

The scout group needs to raise £50,000 to refurbish the hall, including fixing the roof, fitting new toilets and kitchens, re-wiring the building and providing disabled access.

So far about £12,000 has been raised since the campaign started in 2009, through concerts, car boot sales and other events.

Mrs Conibere says the refurbishment will allow community groups to make proper use of the facilities.

She said: “When the appeal is finished we can start fundraising for the community again, that’s what we should be doing.”

The group is waiting to hear if they have been awarded the NatWest Community Force Grant, which they applied for earlier this year.

They are looking for fundraising volunteers and for anyone with computer skills who could help build a website for the project and animate photos of the model being built.

For more information visit