A trainee church deacon has been jailed for 20 months for looting after he was caught by a drop of blood left in a trashed barbershop.

Earl Rodney, 23, grabbed goods from Headmasters hairdressers in Lavender Hill, Clapham, at the height of the riots on 8 August this year.

Police searching his home discovered six pairs of trainers from Footlocker still in their boxes, and two bottles of perfume, the Old Bailey heard.

The Pentecostal church member, who lives in Streatham with his girlfriend and two month old daughter, claimed a man had offered to sell him the items for £25, before grabbing his wallet and running away.

In his police interview he said he "decided to take the boxes with him because he didn't want to leave them behind and he thought he could give them to a charity shop."

But Susan Hulme, prosecuting, said a drop of blood which matched Rodney’s DNA was found on a till in the smashed hairdresser's salon.

A statement from the salon owner described the result of the looting, which caused an estimated loss of more than £70,000, as “a scene of wanton damage”.

Judge Peter Grobel said he “had difficulty” accepting Rodney's version of events.

He said: "As far as your personal circumstances are concerned, it is a paradox.

"Whilst you are not a man of good character in the sense of any previous convictions, there are many aspects to your character which are very positively good."

James Howard, defending Rodney, a trained electrician, told the court a prison sentence would place extra financial strain on the family.

He said: "He understands the financial burden now suffered by his daughter and his partner in entirely his fault, and he greatly regrets the problems he had brought upon them."

Rodney, of Mitcham Lane, Streatham, admitted two counts of acquiring stolen property and one count of burglary with intent to steal.

He was given 16 months for the burglary, and four month sentences for the acquiring stolen goods offences, which will run concurrent with each other but consecutive to the burglary sentence.