A man was caught in a supermarket car park with two tazer guns and extendible truncheon.

Simon Lee Tate, of Clensham Lane, Sutton, was arrested in Tesco's car park in Old Fields Road, Sutton, on May 13 this year.

Croydon Magistrates Court heard today (November 25) how a Tate was with a group of friends in cars when police asked to search his car.

Tate had attempted to drive away, before stopping his car and walking towards the supermarket.

Officers stopped the 27-year-old on route and told him they were going to search his car.

When officers quizzed Tate as to what was in the boot, he told them, "tazers".

Police found a red and a black stun gun in the boot of his grey Peugeot along with an extendible truncheon.

In order to posses, what is known as an electrical incapacitation device, the person must first have been given permission by the Secretary of State.

Tate faced three possession charges and entered a late guilty plea and will sentenced on December 19.