Some of the staff at Epsom Hospital are to join of the biggest public sector strikes in living memory next Wednesday.

Over 2 million public sector workers across the UK are expected to walk out on November 30 to defend their pension funds. The strike, co-ordinated by the TUC, will include the National Union for Teachers, NASWUT, Unison and the GMB, and is expected to disrupt schools, courts, government offices, job centres, driving tests, council services and hospitals.

Kevin O’Brien, Unison representative at Epsom, St Helier and Sutton Hospitals, said: “It’s difficult to know the numbers but there will almost certainly be people on strike in Epsom, Sutton and St Helier hospitals.

“We will have picket lines form seven in the morning until 12.30.

“Some people are then going up to the rally in London.

“I think there will be a good turnout.

“What this government is trying to do is appalling and there’s no justification for them to be touching the pensions.

“This government is now trying to being about more changes that are going to continue to be at the detriment of NHS workers and I think that’s appalling.”

Director of nursing at Epsom Hospital, Pippa Hart said: “Our absolute priority is, and always will be, to provide our patients with a high level of care. “As such, we have been engaging with all of our staff – including doctors, nurses, healthcare support workers, pharmacists, radiologists and our administrative staff – to make sure that we can continue to provide a safe service whatever the circumstances. “We have robust contingency plans in place to ensure that, should strike action take place on 30 November, we are fully prepared to continue our work with minimal disruption to services. “If we do need to reschedule any appointments, we will contact patients directly. However, people can also keep up-to-date by visiting our website at, or by following us on Twitter at”

James Tigwell, the Fire Brigades Union official at Epsom firestation confirmed fire fighters will not be striking next week with all services to run as normal. In Leatherhead Unison members will be assembling outside Red House Grounds Park off Station Road at 10.00am, marching to Leatherhead Theatre on Church Street to rally at 11am.