The impact of the recession has meant the return of an old-fashioned trade according to one chimney sweep.

Charismatic Dutch Dore-Boize, 38, from Banstead owns the Old Victorian Chimney Sweep which specialises in cleaning chimneys around the Sutton area.

He claims to have seen a surge in work recently because people are less willing to turn on their heating due to the costs.

The “born and bred Londoner” has always had a fascination with fire and knows a lot about the history of chimney sweeps.

Mr Dore-Boize loves to tell his customers stories about the profession, particularly about the Victorian times when orphans would be sent up the chimney and fires lit underneath them to make them work faster.

He said: “The kids love it; they get really excited when I come round. We put Santa hats up the chimney and show the kids what we find.

“We try to keep all our methods traditional; like it was in Victorian times.”

Mr Dore-Boize has found gold jewellery in magpie's nests but is still waiting to find an old safe the Victorians would hide up their chimneys.

With the colder months looming and energy bills increasing Mr Dore-Boize is encouraging people to regularly sweep their chimneys.

For more information call The Old Victorian on 07932 924 314 or 01737 351 984.