There are just a few days left to explore a local community’s collective history at an exhibition in the Circle Library.

The Men of the Wrythe exhibition explores the lives of residents from four roads in The Wrythe: St John’s Road, St James’ Road, St Andrew’s Road and William Street, between 1850 and 1920.

This small area of Sutton sent more men to fight in World War One than any other part of the borough, and the exhibition takes a look at those who fought and died.

Councillor Graham Tope, executive member for community safety, leisure and libraries on Sutton Council, said: “These four roads have a fascinating history. People living here were part of a very strong, close knit community and this exhibition gives an interesting glimpse into their personal lives. Of course, this sense of community is something that is still present in Sutton today and it’s good to see visits from descendants of these families, many of whom still live in the area.”

The exhibition will run until November 30. For more information contact the Circle Library on 020 8648 6608, or visit