A volunteer has spoken of her shock at receiving a framed certificate of achievement from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Celia Davies coordinates volunteers for the Crystal Palace community group, Friends of Westow Park.

She was taken aback to receive an award from the RHS in recognition of the group's 'improving' status, as part of their 'It's Your Neighbourhood Initiative.

She explained:"We joined RHS It's Your Neighbourhood last winter. They assess the groups each year to see how they are progressing and offer advice.

"I always thought we just received a report, but they have sent us a lovely framed certificate of achievement for our 'improving status.'"

RHS It's Your Neighbourhood (IYN) is a grassroots community gardening campaign that helps people to make lasting improvements to their local areas.

The groups are supported in their activities with advice and guidance. They get feedback each year from expert IYN assessors, including tips on how further improvements can be made.

The Friends of Westow Park are so delighted with the award, they say they will display it on the noticeboard in the park.

Celia said the RHS IYN scheme has been an invaluable source of support to the group.

She added: "It's designed to encourage and develop gardening for the benefit of communities and is generally very helpful.

"It is through them that we received the hedging plants and we will get wildflower seeds next spring."