Surrey Police want to discover what young people think of their policing.

The confidential, online survey for 10 to 16 year olds will run throughout the winter months and will be used to shape the service provided in future.

Chief Superintendent Gavin Stephens from Surrey Police neighbourhood command said: "The purpose of the survey is to give young people and children the opportunity to share their experiences and opinions of the police in their area, good or bad, in confidence and to suggest what improvements could be made. We know young people’s perception of the police will significantly influence their attitudes towards us, both now and into adulthood.

“The survey will allow us to better identify their needs and improve the service they receive from Surrey Police in order to make us more effective when making policing decisions that concern them.

“We want to provide young people with the right information at the right time in a way that is appropriate to their needs, such as advice on personal safety, drugs, alcohol, anti-social behaviour, bullying and cyber bullying. As a Force it is important we listen to young people and improve how we communicate with them.”

Officers from across the force have been using Twitter and Facebook to spread the word of the survey launch in the hope of reaching out to as many 10 to 16 year olds as possible.

Youth Officers have also been in touch with secondary schools, scout and girl guides groups, young farmers, youth organisations and youth services.

The survey can be found at