A sporting couple have run a marathon and a half between them to raise money for a cardiac rehab centre.

Frances Shere and her partner Dominic Taylor took on the challenge after Frances’ aunt, Karina Tyrell, suffered a heart attack 18 months ago and used the services of the rehabilitation centre at Epsom Hospital as part of her recovery.

Frances said: “The period following my Aunt Karina’s heart attack was a very worrying time for the family, and I think we all wished that we could be of more help.

“Initially, my aunt wasn’t well at all and struggled to stay mobile, but with the help of the rehab centre, she became much stronger and much more confident, and the difference was incredible.

“She happened to mention that the centre could do with a new rowing machine, so as a thank you for the work they’re doing, Dominic and I decided to get running to raise money.” Dominic took on the full marathon distance while Frances opted for the half marathon (13.1 miles.

She added: “The run was really difficult at the time, but in hindsight, it was a fantastic experience and we are over the moon to have been able to raise money for the centre.

“At the moment, we’re just short of the total that we need, with £900 raised for a rowing machine that costs approximately £1,000.”

Karina has now made a full recovery and now works as an administrator at the rehabilitation centre for two days a week.

She said: “The centre has helped me enormously – it gave me back my confidence and has shown me that I do have a future ahead of me.”

It’s not too late to sponsor Frances and Dominic and to help them smash their target of £1,000. Visit their online sponsorship form at www.virginmoneygiving.com/team/runningforarower.