Hundreds gathered in Epsom last week to enjoy a mince pie and light up the tree as the countdown to Christmas began.

The Mayor of Epsom and Ewell, Councillor Sheila Carlson, switched on the Christmas tree lights on Thursday, November 24, and lit up the Clock Tower for the first time in about 10 years.

A traditional German market was also opened offering sweets treats, mince pies and handmade gifts.

The cast of Cinderella and the Santa Claus and the Christmas Adventure, both appearing at the Epsom Playhouse this month, were also on hand to spread a touch of festive magic.

Residents Association Councillor Clive Woodbridge said: "It was a very festive occasion that was quite well attended and it went very well.

“We also had this market which is a bit different and hopefully it will attract more people into Epsom over the next few weeks.

"It's a great start to re-energising Epsom town and market as a place to come for Christmas."

Coun Sheila Carlson said: “A special thank you to Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother and Baron Hardup, and the members of the cast from Santa Claus and the Christmas Adventure who took time out of their busy schedules at the Epsom Playhouse to help us kick-start Christmas and get everyone in the mood for the big day.”

But the festive show did not impress one visitor who still remember the days when a Victorian Christmas event would be held in the town centre.

Sandra Higgs, from Epsom, said: “I have lived in Epsom all my life and this year was the worst Christmas lights I have ever seen.

“Even Ashtead, which is a small village, is 10 times better.

“Shame on you Epsom and Ewell Borough Council.

“Penny pinching as usual.”

The Christmas tree and lights were donated by the Ashley Centre in Epsom, while Greenwich Leisure Limited, which manage the Rainbow Leisure Centre, sponsored the Clock Tower lights.

The market will be in the town centre until December 24.

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