Thousands of children will be locked out of class on Wednesday as 80 per cent of schools are expected to be hit by strike action.

Kingston Council said all secondary and special schools and 14 primary schools will be closed, with another 11 primaries partially closed.

However, it said it did not expect any major disruption to other services caused by the industrial action over changes to public sector pensions.

Kingston College also said it could not be open to students if the strike went ahead, although Kingston University said it could not yet assess the impact on lectures.

The Driving Standards Agency advised people due to take driving tests on Wednesday to turn up to its test centre in Tolworth as it did not know how many instructors would come to work.

Pickets are due to gather at university’s Penhyn Road campus and Surrey County Council’s offices on Wednesday morning, before marching to a rally at the Richard Mayo Centre at 11.30am.

Nadine Houghton, GMB regional officer said: “GMB members in Kingston and across the UK have resoundingly said ‘Yes’ to strike action and ‘No’ to the government’s raid on their pensions.

“It is now clear millions of workers will be protesting on November 30 at the Government’s attack on jobs and pensions.

“The Government has already accepted that the original proposals were unfair and wrong. It is not too late for the government to pull back from this confrontation and scrap this attack on pensions”

Will you be joining the strike action? Will school closures force you to change your plans? Comment below or email