Mums are seeking help after being threatened by their drug-addicted sons.

Four women have visited Sutton’s Domestic Violence One Stop Shop with the problem since its launch in the summer.

Police said in one case, a teenage son has constantly harassed his mother for money, threatening her with a knife if she refused to give him money.

The mother attended the centre in Sutton to receive support and advice.

The One Stop Shop, a free confidential drop-in service for both men and women, holds weekly sessions at Sutton Baptist Church, at the junction of Cheam Road and Sutton Park Road, on Wednesdays between 9.30am and 11.30am.

It has received 61 visits from clients since launch on July 13, with seven clients returning a second time.

Advice is available from a number of organisations which can provide specialist help, including from an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate - an impartial adviser - from Victim Support.

A solicitor, Citizen’s Advice Bureau and police are also on hand to help.

For more information or for free confidential advice, contact Victim Support on 020 8685 1637.