A pair of looters who targeted a car accessory store on the night of the riots have been jailed.

Jason Grant, 32, and Vrajesh Patel, 25, were sentenced to 12 months and 10 months in prison respectively for non-residential burglary when they appeared at Inner London Crown Court on November 24.

Grant, of no fixed abode, and Patel, of Gloucester Road, Croydon, were both arrested in the early hours of Tuesday, August 9, inside Halfords on Windmill Road in North Croydon.

Detective Sergeant Darren Lovatt, from the dedicated incident room investigating the disorder in Croydon said: “Grant and Patel were caught in the act trying to take advantage of the situation in Croydon.

“However, officers were out arresting people on the night and these men were two of many who were arrested for various offences.

“We continue to trawl through hours of CCTV footage and arrest new suspects on a daily basis.

"Anyone who was involved can still expect a visit from us in the future, so we would advise you to hand yourself in before we come to you.”