By Councillor David Dean, Merton Council (Conservative, Dundonald ward)

The Labour Council has ridden roughshod over residents' views again with the re-introduction of the infamous Hartfield Road bus lane.

Regardless of the fact the bus lane does not speed buses as proven before, the grave concern of residents is the real danger it poses to cyclists from drivers needing to turn left into Graham Road, Beulah Road and Hartfield Crescent.

Contrary to the Highway Code, drivers have to wait until the last five metres to cut across the bus lane to turn left.

With cyclists and 12-ton buses using the bus lane this could lead to a major accident. Cyclists travelling down the bus lane would never imagine a car is about to cut in front of them! This could prove fatal.

We made a safer proposal to the Council: Put the bus lane on the right hand carriageway of Hartfield Road if you have to do it at all.

There are no right turns on that side of the road so the only drivers being caught will be genuinely breaking the law.

The Labour administration has refused to accept our plan and here’s why; they have budgeted for £110,000 in fines per annum from residents entering the bus lane most of whom are likely to be innocent in manoeuvring into it to turn left rather than to speed up their journey.

The Council has a duty of care to Merton residents and it is our opinion that they are putting revenue from fines before safety.

If a major incident occurs then this criminally extorted cash will not comfort the victims of any potentially fatal accident.

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