A Molesey woman celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday, November 26.

Born in 1911, Edith May Stewart, known to her friends as Maisie, has lived through both world wars and once worked making explosives.

Mrs Stewart celebrated her birthday with a tea party with friends and family at Emberbrook Care Home in Thames Ditton.

Friend Marie Langford said Mrs Stewart was quite a character. She said: “She was always very lively, she loved music and dancing.”

Mrs Stewart also had a reputation for style.

Mrs Langford said: “Even going out to Tesco she would dress up. She wouldn’t be seen outside of her house without being dressed up.”

Mrs Stewart now suffers from dementia and cannot speak but still chose her party outfit a day in advance.

She grew up on a Shropshire farm but left to go into service and moved to London.

Mrs Stewart had a varied career, working in domestic service and as a cook in various places including Heathfield School in Ascot.

During the war she worked in the munitions factory at AC Cars in Thames Ditton.

Her husband, John, was a policeman and the couple settled in East Molesey when he joined the mounted branch of the Metropolitan Police to work at Imber Court.

A Department of Work and Pensions representative delivered a card from the Queen on the day and family travelled from all over the UK for the celebration.