Former soldiers are set to have council homes set aside for them under a new scheme.

One of the councillors behind the plan, which could be introduced next year, said it would "give something back" to former servicemen and women.

A motion passed at a council meeting earlier this month called for a "reasonable preference" to be given to housing applicants with a link to Merton who left the armed forces in the last three years.

One of the five Conservative councillors who proposed it, Samantha George, said exact details of the scheme were still being worked out - but it might see a quota of eight to ten households every year given to those returning to civvy street.

She said the scheme recognised the fact that servicemen who had been in military accomodation or moving across the world would often struggle to meet criteria used for allocating social housing.

But she added: "It's a recognition of the tremendous role they play. It's giving something back." She said the idea had been supported by all four parties in the council chamber.

Alan Barley, vice chairman of Mitcham Royal British Legion, backed the scheme. He said: "You've got to look after these ex-servicemen. When they come out they come out to nothing."

The motion committed the council to have a fully-worked out policy in place by May next year. Similar schemes already exist or are planned in Wandsworth and Barnet.