A 5-year-old boy with cerebral palsy has been told he will be able to walk on his own after life changing surgery.

Joe Elliott, from Banstead, spent four weeks in the US this summer undergoing spinal surgery, not widely available on the NHS, to help loosen his muscles and allow him to one day walk.

The operation was made possible following a tremendous fundraising effort by his family and community who raised £45,000 in just six months to send Joe for the operation at a hospital in St Louis, Missouri. Joe’s mother, Lisa Lloyd, said: “The surgeon said it went perfectly.

“He said by next year we will be throwing out the wheelchair and the worst possible outcome that he will be walking with crutches.

“But he’s confident that he will walk unaided.

“I know it’s going to be a lot of hard work and the physio is intense and keeping Joe motivated is difficult.

“It’s still quite a long journey in that respect but at the end is near.”

Joe has since returned to school and enjoyed his first football match with friends.

No longer in as much pain, Joe’s teachers have noticed a transformation in his behaviour.

Miss Lloyd added: “He went back straight away and the teachers have said what a different boy he is.

“They have said how much more relaxed and happy he is and he can concentrate better now.”

Joe now faces at least a year of intense physiotherapy to maximise the benefits of the operation But with just one weekly session with an NHS physiotherapist currently available, his mum has had to step in. Miss Lloyd added: “He has to do an hour of physiotherapy every day but obviously I’m not a professional.

“They are as supportive as that can be.

“But I’m still holding my breath to see what support we get.”