By Paul Cowling, chairman of Wimbledon constituency Labour party

I would like to voice my dismay at the current proposals to change Parliamentary boundaries which would split Wimbledon town centre into three parts and thereby undermine community bonds and identity.

Actions speak louder than words, and while Wimbledon's current Conservative MP Stephen Hammond has spoken against the proposed boundary changes in Wimbledon, in Parliament he voted in favour of the policy.

For all his apparent concerns about maintaining community ties, Hammond's office is not even in Wimbledon, before or after any boundary changes.

Wimbledon Labour Party has made a submission to the Boundary Commission on behalf of our 500 members, expressing opposition to the proposed changes for undermining community ties and identity.

The policy to redraw boundaries is part of a cynical plan by the Conservative Party to gerrymander political boundaries in their favour across the country.

So far Stephen Hammond has shown by his actions that he is completely in agreement with this.

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