The friendly face of a Upper Norwood Community centre is retiring after 25 years.

Stan Jones has worked as the caretaker and receptionist at the Phoenix Community Centre, Upper Norwood, since 1986.

After recently turning 84 years old, Mr Jones has decided it is time to throw in the bucket and broom and take on a more relaxing way of life.

Mr Jones first started work at the centre in Westow Road, shortly after being laid off from the warehouse of The Sun newspaper, where he was in charge of the postal section.

He said: "A friend's wife had just started doing the cleaning at the centre, but they wanted to go on holiday and needed someone to cover. I agreed to do it and have been there ever since."

The granddad of four and great-granddad of two said for him, the most enjoyable part of the job was interacting with centre users.

"I like meeting people. I meet so many people over the course of a week, I see a minimum of 100 people," he said.

"I have seen people come in with their children and then seen their children come to the centre with kids of their own, it makes me feel old I tell you."

Kathryn Bonds, chairwoman of the Centre said Mr Jones, who plans to spend his retirement seeing his family and shopping, will be sorely missed.

She said: "It will be a sad day when Stan leaves, so many centre hirers, users and local people know him well, some just pop in for a chat and a cuppa.

"There now remains the difficult task of filling the job vacancy that Stan has left. Anyone who enjoys meeting people and serving the community is welcome to apply."

For more information and an application pack, contact 020 8771 6023, or visit the centre between 9am and 12noon or 6pm to 10pm, Mondays to Fridays.