Plans for an ‘eye-catching’ new station providing modern services for rail passengers at Ashtead have been unveiled.

The multi-million pound refurbishment, funded by the government, was announced in 2009 as part of the National Stations Improvement Programme (NSIP) The existing station, which was built in the 1970s, will be replaced with a new station with an improved layout, new seating, automatic tickets gates, waiting room, car park with 60 further spaces and a two tier cycle parking facility for 120 cycles.

Southern director, David Scorey said: “Our passengers will benefit greatly from the new station building.

“The design of this new station has come about following many meetings with Southern, Network Rail and the Ashtead Residents’ Association and the work has been planned in a way which will keep disruption to a minimum which is great news for our passengers.”

The existing station building will remain in use until the new building is complete and ready for use. The new station will be built in the current drop-off area of the car park with the former station site used for additional parking space to ease congestion problems.

Works at Ashtead station are expected to start in spring 2012, and is due for completion the following winter.

The £150 million NSIP, backed by the Department of Transport, will benefit 150 medium sized stations across England and Wales.