A woman was reunited with her bicycle less than 40 hours after it was stolen from Sutton station.

The bike’s quick recovery was due to the actions of police officers and a new bike protection initiative set up by Sutton’s Safer Transport Team.

Claire Sadler, 24, Wallington, locked and left her bike in a cycle bay at Sutton train station to go to work at Epsom Hospital at 8.30pm on November 30.

She returned to the train station the following morning to find her bike was missing and reported it stolen.

However, earlier that morning, at around 2.30am, police officers had spotted two men acting suspiciously with a woman’s bike in Croydon Road, Beddington, and arrested them.

Officers carried out checks on the bike and searched it on a security database bikeregister.


The bike was registered there thanks to a voluntary scheme introduced by Sutton’s Safer Transport Team.

Two teenagers, both 17, from Sutton, were arrested – one on suspicion of theft, and the other for allegedly handling stolen goods. They have both been bailed.