School competition winners will have their film concept brought to life in the new year.

Students from Rydens Enterprise School and Esher Church of England High School entered two teams to design a storyboard for a two to three minute alcohol awareness film, after a morning of facts about the dangers of alcohol.

They were also asked to design a marketing plan for their film.

Emily Welch, Michael North, Rebekah McMilan, Zuliza Mckenzie and Jess Hunt from Rydens were announced as the winners by Elmbridge Council’s chief executive Robert Moran.

Their film focused on an adult’s unit consumption over a number of years.

Councillor Christine Cross said: “The standard of work and the effort put in by all of the teams was fantastic and the judges found it very difficult to pick just one winner. “All of the students should be very proud of their work. We are all looking forward to seeing the film.”

The film will be made in the New Year and their marketing plan will be used to promote the film and alcohol awareness during 2012.